
4 Awesome Fruit of the Spirit Song Ideas

What’s the deal with the fruit of the Spirit? Why is that particular verse used so often in Lutheran churches and schools? Is it just because it makes for a really cute bulletin board or VBS snack idea? Well, yes, but it’s more than that! The fruit of the Spirit is all about character. When a Christian is following Christ, his life will display the good fruit that comes with doing God’s will: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Teach your students to practice the fruit of the spirit, and they will be well on their way to developing good character.


Musical Fruits

I learned the fruit of the Spirit from scratch and sniff stickers handed out for good behavior during Sunday School. Goodness was especially desired because it was grape scented. A nine-year-old’s nose could really wish for nothing better than a grape scratch and sniff sticker. Alas, those days seem to have passed, but there are other good ways to learn the fruit of the Spirit. Try a catchy song! Play a fruit of the Spirit song once or twice, and your students will be able to recite the verse in no time. What a great list to have committed to memory.

Fruit of the Spirit Song Resources

Tickle your students’ funny bones with this song! Laugh and learn together! This next one is similar but less enthusiastic. Perfect for quiet work time. This one has a great rhythm and will get your students dancing. Finally, a song with actions is perfect for preschool. Your class will be overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit in no time.

If you are looking for more ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.

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