9 Powerful Lutheran Theology Centers for Elementary Students

The word theology simply means teaching about God. It can sound big, important and unapproachable, and at times it can be that way. But God also talks to us about himself with words that even the smallest of us can understand. Helping your students develop a strong theological foundation will help them learn and understand more about God as they grow. Their faith will mature, and they will be able to grasp what it means to be a child of Christ.


Theology is Like Grammar

I remember learning grammar in school. It was interesting to see how words went together and the rules for making sentences. Each word in the sentence had a different job, and in order to be a good writer you had to learn the jobs of the words and all the dots and dashes that helped to get your meaning across. But learning grammar was not an end in itself. Learning grammar was a way to become a good writer. Theology is like that. Learning theology helps us to tell God’s story correctly. We don’t learn about God just to know facts. We learn his truth in order to better understand and tell the story of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Here are some ways to teach your students the grammar of God’s story.

Lutheran Theology Centers

Third graders will love discovering, experimenting and self-directed learning. This is why these interactive centers are a great way to begin teaching Lutheran theology to elementary school students. Each of the centers will introduce a new piece of theology and show the students how it impacts their Christian life. There are engaging puzzles and higher-level thinking activities that accompany each center so you can see how much they have been learning!

If you are looking for these ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.

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