Though few have actually read the book straight through, everyone knows the story of Job in the Bible. Job was a righteous man. Satan asks to tempt him to reject God. God gives him permissions which leads to unimaginable pain and suffering for Job. It’s not exactly pleasant bedtime reading or uplifting and comforting sermon material, but there is an important lesson God can teach us through the struggles Job endured.

No Excuses
Job and his friends spend most of the book trying to out God. They make excuses for him or come up with reasons to justify his actions. Do you ever find yourself doing that? “God allowed that to happen so that…” “God would never…” Job learned however that this is not the right way to deal with suffering. God doesn’t always give us answers. He is God. We are not, and our job is not to search out his methods to try to explain what is going on around us. Our job is simply to cling to His promises trusting in his mercy, grace and the gift of eternal salvation won through Jesus’ death on the cross. The next time tragedy strikes, learn a lesson from Job. Don’t try to get God off the hook, cling to the cross.
Lessons Giving a Summary of Job in the Bible
Are your middle students ready to take a walk through the book of Job? Explore it together with these sketch note lessons that give a great summary of Job in the Bible. Each day has assigned readings, discussion points, summary notes and bonus activities. Each lesson also has a coordinating devotion to introduce the topic.
If you are looking for more ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.
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