I have long heard the concern that teaching Lutheran theology to elementary students is challenging. The content is hard and the instructional strategies lack engagement. I had the privilege of teaching fifth grade religion for a couple of years, so I decided to use that time to improve my units. I created four project-based learning experiences for upper elementary students during this time.

Engaging Students in Theology
For many of my students, they are not a part of the Lutheran church. Some of them have never really been to church. Therefore, how do you make the Reformation and other Lutheran theology relevant to these students and their families? First, I tried to make the content applicable to real life situations. Students lead Bible studies and plan mission trips. Then, I presented the content in a clear way that helped them understand the beginnings of Bible-based Lutheran theology. Scrapbooks demonstrate content in a visual manner that make it easy for students to see the foundations.
How to Implement Project-Based Learning in the Classroom
Project-based learning can be enhanced with decor and explored more deeply with the true project-based process. However, after some trial and many errors, I learned that elementary students who have no experience with project-based learning need the scaffolding to help them develop these skills (and so do teachers!). You can get started in your classroom by simply printing these packets for your students. My students get so excited to see the topic of the new unit.
Each unit begins with a cover page that students can color. I use this time to play Christian music and model spending time meditating on God’s word through music. From there, most of the pages have a Bible passage or theological message to read. Then, there are directions to draw, color, search for Bible verses, summarize, or apply skills and content. Each unit is themed with a creative topic – a Bible study, a mission trip, scrapbooking, etc – that helps tie all of this together.
If you are interested in learning more, check out the resources in my store.