Visual theology posters can be a great way to connect students with Lutheran religion beliefs. Does your curriculum encourage you to teach Luther’s Small Catechism? Maybe you are like me. I believe that theology should be tightly connected to scripture. My instruction should be taught in a way that is relevant to my students.
I frequently see that teachers – particularly in third and fifth grade – struggle to teach the Small Catechism with upper elementary students. Unfortunately, it can seem not as engaging as Bible stories. However, I love to teach my theology through project-based learning instruction. With this intention, students engage through real-life applications to make theology come alive.

Visual Theology Posters
Before you can go deeper into theology, students need to know the content of the Small Catechism. For example, many students know about the Lord’s Prayer, the ten commandments, and the Apostles’ Creed. On the other hand, they may not know that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are also included. In addition, students may not have heard much about confession and Luther’s prayers. How can you help them get started on learning this content?
If you want to try this in your own classroom, you could dedicate a bulletin board in your classroom for Small Catechism content. First, you could switch out a different topic each month. Then, you can provide your students with smaller versions on their desktops to keep it in front of them. If you don’t teach theology as your main content, you can still focus on different topics as they relate to your Bible stories. For example, the ten commandments can be included with the book of Exodus, and the Lord’s Prayer can be taught during the Gospels.
If you are looking for ready-to-print posters and student desk tags in three different print options, you can find a bundle or individual topics in my store.