Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem. On Thursday, he attended the Last Supper and shared the bread and cup with his disciples. Later that evening, Jesus spent a long night in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. On Good Friday, Jesus was betrayed, crucified, and buried in a tomb. On Easter Sunday morning, Jesus rose from the dead!

Nails, Dice, and a Cross
When I was a child, my mom had these small red dice with holes drilled through them. They were long nails that held them onto a small board so that they were a visual representation of Jesus’ crucifixion. Finally, there was a small wooden cross with different colors of small cloth that were draped across it. I loved to change them out with the liturgical colors of the Lenten season. They are such a special memory of my childhood that helped me learn about Holy Week.
Explain the Holy Week Timeline
Teaching children the events that unfolded during the last days of Jesus’ life can be a great learning opportunity for them. Start by sharing about Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem for “Palm Sunday” followed by the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday and Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane later that night. Then, explain how Jesus was crucified and died on Good Friday and was resurrected on Easter Sunday — known as Resurrection Day. Finally, talk with your children about how this story ultimately shows us all God’s love for us!
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