
Holy Week Activity Centers to Improve Your Faith Lessons

Holy Week activity centers provide your students with a hands-on learning experience about this important moment in the Bible. I often use this moment to explain the reasoning behind teaching about a certain topic. However, I feel that is quite redundant for Holy Week events. This seems to be the most popular theme in my store.


A New Product Line

In the summer of 2019, I sat down with an idea for a new product. I had several resources for fourth and fifth graders, and I wanted to try some centers for third grade. I created my first set around the Books of the Bible, and it truly is my favorite resource to date. It teaches kids the names of the books of the Bible and how to read from it, and I love the practical applications that are included. I have finally expanded to include a curriculum for second grade, and I plan to have centers units completed for both grade levels by the end of 2022.

Holy Week Activity Centers

While I tend to use the books of the Bible centers in any rotation, you may want to use the Holy Week Centers in chronological order. When I introduce this type of unit at the beginning of the year, I instruct as a whole group to model my expectations for the booklets. If you want to use them with small groups, you could print enough copies of each center for all groups to work on the same lesson at the same time. In addition, if you regularly use centers in your classroom, you could make one of them a faith center and add the story after you teach it as a review. The Holy Week centers include twelve activities for nine different stories from Palm Sunday to Jesus appearing to the disciples.

If you would like the easy-to-print version of these centers for your classroom, check them out in my store.

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Hi, I'm Marissa!

I help Christian teachers find Bible resources so that they can save time in the classroom. 

Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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