As Christian teachers, our number one goal should be making good disciples out of our students. This starts as early as first grade! When our students are familiar with God’s stories and recognize their own place in His story, their lives will have purpose and direction. This is why studying the Bible Scriptures and exploring the stories they tell are so important at an early age.

Tell the Story
But in order to be sure Bible study does not turn into a dry and boring exercise, it is important to remember that first graders love stories! Telling the Bible stories in an exciting way will capture their imaginations and draw them in. Allow them to think about the characters and how we can see God’s actions playing out through the events recorded in Scripture. The stories they learn now will stay with them for the rest of their lives, and they will grow into disciples of Christ rooted in the Word.
Bible Scriptures Studies for First Grade
If you are looking for a good place to start, try these Bible lessons for first grade. These lessons will teach many key Bible Scripture stories from Creation through the early church. To print the Word on their hearts, use this year-long memory curriculum for first grade. For added instruction, these curriculum supplements can be incorporated into the Bible study material you already use. They will deepen your first graders’ understanding of the Bible and their relationship with God.
If you are looking for these ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.
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