
Powerful Good Friday Activities for Kids

Good Friday is one of the two most significant days in the liturgical calendar. Jesus follows God’s plan like an obedient Son and gives his life for the redemption of sinners. There is no greater story. There is no greater lesson that we could ever teach our students than this. If you teach them nothing else this year, at least teach them this reality. Jesus died for you and through it you have forgiveness and a new life.


The Best Day

 What does a really good day look like to you? Who would you be with? What activities would you do? Mine would probably take place on a beach somewhere and involve things like seashells, sand toys, and ice cream. We don’t usually think of nails, blood and death when we put together a good day in our minds. But that was the very best day. Jesus took the punishment that we deserved. He took the wrath of God that should have been directed toward us and our sin and brought it upon himself. He died in our place, the greatest of the Passover lambs to restore the relationship between God and man. A lesson on Good Friday, a cross craft, a somber hymn will never come even close to capturing the mystery of Good Friday. But do it anyway. Teach the story because it’s the best story your students will ever hear.

Good Friday Activities

First, this mini book will help you preschoolers and Kindergarteners understand what Good Friday means for them. It has pictures to color and simple text. Next, students that are ready for a bit more of a challenge can check out this Good Friday flip book, a great resource for observing Good Friday in the elementary classroom.

If you are looking for more ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.

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