How do you explain Ash Wednesday to a child? Are you looking for Ash Wednesday activities for your classroom? Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten season. Undoubtedly, It can be challenging to find good resources to help children understand Ash Wednesday. It is not as commonly discussed as Christmas and Easter, and it can be challenging to find materials that relate well to young children.

Who is that Man on the Cross?
Early in my teaching career, there was a little boy at our school that we lovingly called Popcorn. He had dark curly hair, an adorable smile, and never sat still. One day, he was in his first grade classroom when he asked, “Who is that man on the cross?” He had never heard the Easter story. The child didn’t know that a Savior came to forgive his sins. He didn’t know of God’s mercy and grace.
How to Teach Ash Wednesday
What do you do on Ash Wednesday? Depending on the age of your students, you may be considering Ash Wednesday activities in different ways. You could use a mini book that explains the overview of this topic in simple text with pictures that students can color.

Maybe your students are a little older, and you want an activity to decorate a bulletin board. If you are looking for Ash Wednesday craft ideas, a craftivity with a writing component might be perfect for you.

You could also use a flip book to hang in the hall.

Perhaps you have upper elementary students, and you are looking for a more detailed lesson in an interactive notebook.

Finally, you might be a middle school teacher, and you are searching for some sketch notes for your students.

I also have a free holy days introduction page if you would like to try out sketch notes in your classroom. Enter your name and email, and I’ll send you Holy Days Introduction Sketch Notes.

If you are looking for these resources that are completely ready for you to print and use, visit my store to learn more about my Ash Wednesday line.
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