Samson of the Bible is often remembered for his strength and failures, but he has other lessons to teach us. Like Samson, we are called by God to live a holy life. As Christians, God wants us to live differently to display the light of Christ to the world. We are similar to Samson in another way. As sinners, we are continuously disobedient to God’s commands. Yet, God continues to give Samson great strength despite his shortcomings. He provides us with the same gifts to serve even though we also struggle daily with sin. God still fulfills His purpose through bad situations.

Sinners and Saints
I can’t say that I have spent a lot of time considering the story of Samuel. I am not sure why. He certainly deserves the same amount of dedication to study as anyone else. Samuel’s utter failures can be completely relatable. How many times do we feel like it is impossible for us to serve because of the sins in our lives? Our failure to trust in God’s ultimate provision can create a stumbling block in ministry. How great is our God to daily give us what we need to serve His plan!
Samson of the Bible Activities
Are you looking for activities about Samson? There are three different options for third- to sixth-grade students. My fourth-grade students love to learn about Samson and the judges of the Bible in a resource called God’s Superheroes, a project-based learning unit. There are also two levels of Google Slides to learn about Samson. Finally, there will be two no-prep packets about Judges. All of these resources also include the book of Ruth.
If you are looking for these ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.
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