The book of Acts is sometimes overlooked in Bible curriculum for Christian schools, but it is packed with stories that show God’s love, mercy and care for his people. There is danger, excitement and wonderful examples of Christian disciples for your students to emulate. Don’t leave it behind this time! Jump into a summary of the book of Acts this year with your students and see how God built his church.

God Builds His Church
I remember first hearing the stories of Paul’s missionary journeys in elementary school. Shipwrecks, islands and snake bites were not things that I had expected to find in the Bible! Suddenly God’s Word seemed more like something I would pick up at the library rather than learn about in religion class. Moreover, it was fascinating to learn about God’s care for his early church along with seeing how he worked through the apostles to spread the story of Jesus throughout the world. I could see myself as another disciple God was using to tell his story, and that is the power of the book of Acts. Show your students their place in the story of God’s church.
Book of Acts Summary Lessons
The book of Acts can be made accessible for all ages! Kindergarteners can learn about Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost with these fun lessons, complete with amazing headbands! Also, student-led centers provide a way for elementary school students to interact with the text. Additionally, middle school students can read through the whole book of Acts throughout this unit taking notes and drawing pictures on ready-made sketch note pages. Don’t overlook the Book of Acts this year! It is so much fun to teach and study!
If you are looking for these ready-to-use resources for your students, check them out in my store.
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