Teaching on faith is one of the most important parts of what I do. I love to apply creative visuals to the Bible to help students remember the word of God. Students can act out Bible stories as they read from Scripture. Finally, they can memorize God’s Word to help them apply God’s commands to their daily lives. Teaching about faith in Jesus is a life-changing experience.

The Start of My TPT Store
When I opened my TPT store, I started creating for my fourth-grade students. They are some of my favorite resources to this day. My students love the project-based learning units. They can’t wait to see what they are going to color for the new covers, and they love drawing the comics. I love to use the lapbooks to teach about days in the church year, and the addition of Google Slides resources is great for early finishers.
Teaching on Faith in Fourth Grade
Are you looking for a complete curriculum for your upper elementary students? I started out by creating project-based learning units for nine sections of the Bible. I added memory activities for a year-long list of Bible verses. Then, I developed lapbooks about the important days in the church year. I also included one to explain the Lutheran beliefs on baptism. During the pandemic, I made Google slides on ten parts of the Bible for distance learning. Currently, I use them for early finishers in my classroom. Finally, I created a no-prep packet for Martin Luther and the Reformation.
If you are looking for this ready-to-use curriculum for your upper elementary students, check it out in my store.
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